Teacher Training

Atscha Yoga, the holistic path to unlock your full potential

The three pillars of Atscha

Atscha Yoga extends far beyond the traditional physical yoga exercises and follows a holistic approach that integrates mindwork, bodywork and breathwork. This combination aims to develop your full potential.

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Creates a harmonious connection between body and mind by combining traditional yoga practices with modern physiological knowledge.


Access your life energy, increase your emotional and physical health and intensify your spiritual experience.

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Here you dive deep into your consciousness. Mindwork offers you insights into your inner motivations and accompanies you on the path to realize your true purpose.

Your training in detail

Teacher Training Schedule

Week 1

Monday 02.12         Individual arrival, dinner, welcome

Tuesday 03.12         Start of training

Wednesday 04.12 Training

Thursday 05.12       German Bakery + Ramana Ashram + half day off

Friday 06.12              Training

Saturday 07.12        Training

Sunday 08.12            Training

Week 2

         Monday 09.12           Training

         Tuesday 10.12            Training

         Wednesday 11.12   Training

         Thursday 12.12         Cave and  temple half day off 

         Friday 13.12                Training

         Saturday 14.12          Training

         Sunday  15.12             Training

Week 3

Monday 16.12          Training

Tuesday 17.12          Arrival Auroville + half training day

Wednesday 18.12 Training

Thursday 19.12      Training

Friday 20.12             Visit Auroville + half day off

Saturday 21.12       Training

Sunday 22.12           Training

Week 4/5

Monday 23.12         Training

Tuesday 24.12         Training

Wednesday 25.12 Training

Thursday 26.12       Training

Friday 27.12        Aurobindo Ashram and Matrimandir + half day off

Saturday 28.12       Training

Sunday 29.12           Training

Monday 30.12         Training + exams

Tuesday 31.12         Training + exams, Celebration

Wednesday 01.01 Breakfast and individual departure 

Teacher Training Procedure

06.00 – 08.30    Yoga, meditation, lecture

09.30 – 12.00    Theory

17.00 – 18.30    Yoga teaching techniques

19.30 – 21.00    Lecture and practice (recitation, mantra singing, rituals,…)

Teacher Training Curriculum

Atscha Yoga as a yoga style

Complete sequence (asanas, pranayama, meditation)

Anatomy and alignment principles and contraindications

Historical context

Effects of pranayama on the anatomy and the subtle body

Complete sequence of pranayama, including Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati

Koshas, Kleshas, Chakras, Nadis and Prana Vayus

Important meditation terms

Meditation methods

Dealing with experiences and obstacles

The Influence and effect of Sanskrit, study of mantras and mudras and their effects on the subtle body

Hormonal and digestive system related to yoga 

Respiratory system, muscles that influence breathing, involuntary vs. voluntary breathing

Physical process of inhalation and exhalation

Types of joint movements

Joint stabilization

Safe movement in terms of balance and stretching

Physical limitations

Contraindications, misalignments, adjustments

Stress reaction “fight, flight, freeze”, vagus theory, general mind-body connection

Cardiovascular system and hormonal digestive systems related to yoga 

Term “Yoga”

Lineage, style and methodology of the school

Data and key ideas such as Vedas, Vedanta, Hatha

Definition of yoga and key terms

Realtion among asana, pranayama and meditation

Introduction to the most important yoga texts such as Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Knowledge of yogic ethical principles and their application



Verbal, visual, and physical guidance

Management of a yoga class

Yoga-related professional associations

Lifelong learning and continuous professional development

Overall professionalism, including punctuality, consistency and cleanliness

Marketing and advertising

Liability insurance, waivers, invoicing



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